Are you looking for a church that is true to the Bible and speaks to the needs of our day from the Bible? The search is complicated because of the variety of churches to be found in most communities. Some local churches are faithful to God’s Word, but others are not. Some think they are following the Bible but have fallen into serious error, and therefore are not able to address the serious questions of life. San Antonio Reformed is a ministry of the OPC to further the kingdom of God in NE San Antonio by planting Reformed churches. Our church is supported and under the oversight of the session of Grace OPC in NW San Antonio. The OPC is a Christian denomination that is committed to the historic Christian faith that believes in the full authority and truth of the Bible! She was founded in the 1930’s and has grown to over 325 churches in America. The OPC is Reformed in doctrine and believes in Presbyterian elder leadership. The richest elements from the Protestant Reformation can be found in the OPC. Students of church history might recognize men such as J. Gresham Machen, Cornelius Van Til, and John Murray as key figures in the founding and early development of the church. Through the years, the Lord has blessed her with growth both in America and in the many countries where her missionaries labor to establish indigenous churches for the glory of God. You can learn more about the history and character of the OPC by reading the helpful article “What is the Orthodox Presbyterian Church?”

San Antonio Reformed exists to spread the good news of Jesus to San Antonio!  Please visit the following pages to learn more about us: